
thanksgiving 2

We Celebrate 400 Years of Thanksgiving Traditions and Myths

Jeff Sherry

Tuesday Nov 23rd, 2021

On the fourth Thursday of November since 1863 when President Abraham Lincoln declared it a national holiday, Americans have celebrated Thanksgiving with a feast. Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, cranberry sauce topped off with pumpkin pie for dessert.


Happiness & Long Life for All its Residents #70

Becky Weiser

Wednesday Nov 17th, 2021

The Hagen History Center was fortunate recently. A donor sent an object relating to the 1888 Erie Penna. Illustrated Souvenir book that this blog is inspired by, and it is making me hungry!

Greg Henning Iraq


Jeff Sherry, Museum Educator

Thursday Nov 11th, 2021

Greg Henning is just one of many volunteers at the Hagen History Center and only one of several who is a veteran. Greg is the focus of  this profile coming during the week when we celebrate all our veterans and Veterans Day.

Mens Clothing 3

Changes in Men’s Clothing: Part Three

Amanda Rockwood

Wednesday Nov 10th, 2021

Welcome back to men’s fashion! Today continues our journey through men’s clothing with part three of this blog.

Found in Archives 1.3

Found in the Archives!

KayAnn Warner

Friday Nov 5th, 2021

Here is the occasional blog, “Found in the Archives”, that was announced back in September, remember the Strong Vincent find? Like I said in that September blog— “is a once a month or two kind of find.”

Mens Clothing 2.3

Changes in Men’s Clothing: Part Two

Amanda Rockwood

Wednesday Nov 3rd, 2021

Welcome back to men’s fashion! Today we will continue through the decades of men’s fashion with part two of this blog.

Mens Clothing 1

Changes in Men’s Clothing: Part One

Amanda Rockwood

Wednesday Oct 27th, 2021

Today’s blog will be in three parts. I thought it might be interesting to look into the changes in men’s clothing throughout the years. Usually, we hear much about women’s clothing simply because there were so many more changes. This does not mean men’s clothing didn’t evolve over time also.

Sindy Doll

Sindy vs. Barbie

Amanda Rockwood

Monday Oct 25th, 2021

The title of this blog may sound odd, but it is a topic that many people may not know about. I personally did not know this competition until I began working at the Hagen History Center.

Red Barn

Nostalgia-A Look Back into The Not-So-Distant Past

Jeff Sherry

Friday Oct 22nd, 2021

“When the Hungries hit/Hit the Red Barn” was the advertising slogan for an early fast food restaurant chain called Red Barn. Founded in 1961, 60 years ago, in Springfield, Ohio, by Don Six, Martin Levin and Jim Kirst. The chain would eventually have between 300-400 restaurants in 19 states, Canada and Australia, including Pennsylvania. Erie was home to 4 locations.

Hair Wreath 1

Hair Wreaths

Amanda Rockwood

Wednesday Oct 20th, 2021

When people hear that we have objects made of hair in our collection at the Hagen History Center, they tend to become grossed out. Yes, they are made of real human hair! Women in Europe and North America created these objects to pass time.