Happiness & Long Life for All its Residents #95
Wednesday Sep 14th, 2022
As I continue this series on all things that make for living a long and happy life in Erie County, I have stumbled across a book that I have been wanting to read for many years. Although the title may scare away a casual reader of local history, I am sure that readers of this blog will find the contents fascinating. It is called “Plans and Reports for the Extension and Improvement of the City” written in 1913 by City Planner John Nolen (1869-1937). I mentioned Mr. Nolan in Blog #94 on GE and Lawrence Park. I have read that he was the first American to identify himself as a “city planner” and studied landscape architecture under Frederick Law Olmsted Jr. (who designed New York City’s Central Park among other places). Nolan consulted on plans for more than 25 cities in the country and Erie was one of them.